"A new bombshell study that was just published by researchers in Sweden found that, within a Petri dish, the synthetic mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine is able to enter human liver cells, and then be reverse-transcribed into spike DNA.
The reason that this is such a big deal is because this scenario was something that both health experts as well as the fact-checkers have said—for over a year now—couldn’t possibly happen." https://www.theepochtimes.com/pfizers-mrna-vaccine-goes-into-liver-cells-and-is-converted-to-dna-study_4458487.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_campaign=mb-2022-05-13&utm_medium=email&est=U8XBSPVgzCdNMfvkd2t5ynCSa00Zr%2BVrdyDDEXnd4wmZ5I4F2LoU9SskMCzgAbE%3D
Who could have guess that injecting shite from known fraudsters under conditions of obvious subterfuge and naked coercion might be a bad idea?
Pfizer’s mRNA Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study
Read the full study: https://ept.ms/37A2kKT A new bombshell study that was just published by researchers in Sweden found ...
Just like that...
How many folks know OUR LIVER is the ONLY organ in OUR BODY that re-generates itself? As an alcoholic, I know~God knew human weakness. He designed a part of OUR BODY that an alcoholic destroys first👉THE LIVER👈Hepatitis is another liver-killer.
[they] know that, too...