I really hope our military steps up and removes this illegitimate Biden Administration as soon as possible!! We all shouldn’t have to endure anymore of this shit show…. There is more than enough evidence of massive Election Fraud, Voter Fraud and proof the “Big Guy” got his cut on his crackhead son’s corrupt business deals. Every day this continues to goes on, the more our country suffers. We want have to have faith in our military and political leaders who took an oath to protect this country and its citizens, but that faith is fading by the day. We all deserve better… The military is the only way and I pray they do what is right. Our country has been hijacked and we need to get it back!! America’s pissed level is rising and we need our REAL President back in his rightful position so that TOGETHER we can all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN . 🙏🏼🇺🇸🦅 5:5
The only way that’s a part of this movie is if a state de-certifies their electoral votes and causes a chain reaction of other states. Then if Trump has enough votes to win it can go to the Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court overturns both Roe and the election the libturds will burn this country down. That will trigger martial law…. “Military is the only way”. The Great Awakening isn’t a fairy tale ending, it’s a massive shaking to wake the libturds up once and for all. We’re in the previews before the movie actually begins. Gas prices soaring, hyper inflation, housing and stock market crash, food shortages, Great Depression 2, riots, martial law, gun confiscation, mandatory vax, and nuclear defcon 1. This is post is not negative, it is realistic. In order to wake the libturds we all must go through the birth canal. It should all wrap up by November of 2023.