Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social:

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

I wonder why those labs were not destroyed back then? Event 201. The opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics. Those were just the public things. What about intel that we were not privy to? Why put us through this mess? Why allow riots to go any further than the first window broken? Why wasn’t it nipped in the bud? People died. People lost businesses. Why did good folks walk towards the Capital on Jan. 6? Wasn’t there ANY intel of what the black hats were planning? It seems that in this time of technology we would have some intel. Just wondering if anyone else ponders these things?

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social:

In response Texas Cowgal to her Publication

Just because we're becoming more aware of what is/has been happening doesn't neatly package all the events and conspirators into a concept called "quick and easy to fix".

We are being brought up to speed while things are being fixed.

Most of Western Civilization is corrupt and broken, not just the USA.

The deep state has been running this world and putting their system in place for over 200 years.

Dismantling their system AND THE PROTECTIONS THEY HAVE IN PLACE involves moves and counter moves.

How long did you expect this to take?

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

Che''...Perhaps.. if the 'GOOD GUYS' would of 'told the unvarnished,uncensored WHOLE TRUTH in the beginning with the appropriate verifiable documentation IE the TRUTH. NOT a 'game scenario playing Blues Clues...complete with " your not grown up enough OR 'you are still asleep' and cant handle the TRUTH' verbage'., PEOPLE would of AWAKEN SOONER. People have 'been told they are asleep..just like a Merlin planting a seed of doubt upon everyone, for if you 'tell someone over and over and over that 'YOU cant handle the TRUTH" are PROGRAMING them just like the DeepState does. It sows 'seeds of confusion' NOT Seeds of TRUTH'. WE have ALL Been Told over and over and over again 'that we cant get justice through the courts. THEN WE are Told...EVERYTHiNG has to be done legally 'through the Courts. The 'double-speak' that is presented becomes ZERO TRUTH= a LIE. People are tired of the lies. People want TRUTH. No More Game Playing for Humanity's survival WE NEED TRUTH.
(I love YOU Che')

You make good points Ana, and while I don’t have time now to address them:

1. The human psychology part of this operation is at least as important as the other parts.

People actually MUST arrive at the correct conclusions for themselves.

For many it’s a kind of a rebirth to realize nothing is as you were told it was, or better put, a necessary process of maturing.

It’s a delicate operation.

People can’t just be sat down and told this like in a classroom because that won’t achieve the desired result.

The world may not be worth saving if people are not psychologically and dare I say spiritually rehabilitated.

2. As far as the legal and Political side of things, the bad actors have been operating outside of legal frameworks for decades. Provably so.

The political/legal system would fall apart if the public knew just how corrupt the system was.

See point 1.

3. Operations are ongoing and operational security is paramount. “Disinfo is necessary”


In response Ana McMurry to her Publication

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Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

You and I run around in 'different circles of society" then, because over the course of my entire lifetime, the people I speak with at work, grocery stores, coffee shops, libraries (you get the idea) everyday people, INCLUDING VETERANS...lots and LOTS of VETERANS ,know past KNOWING that the political/legal system is way Beyond CORRUPT. They lived their whole lifetime seeing and experiencing this for themselves. They arent Wealthy, but they are Very Awake. THEY just want the TRUTH, before any more of them DIE needlessly