We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Convo with a brain dead dummy:
Candice: "Hey Mom, are you watching the JD and AH trial?
Me: "No there's more important news out there than this trash."
Candice: It's not trash, this is HIS life. This woman is ruining his reputation."
Me: "I could care less. Satanists don't have reputations worthy of protection. Ghislaine Maxwell didn't get 1/100 of exposure and she helped Epstein procure 1000's of young girls for their evil."
Candice: "Who is G. Maxwell? I've heard of Epstein but he's dead so what's the problem?".
Me: "Remember a few weeks ago when you got kicked off FB for calling someone a dumb sheep?. What the heck happened? JD/AH is not NEWS. It's drummed up crap talk to keep you from the REAL NEWS. Have you seen 2000 Mules yet? You heard about the leak from the SC, because if you haven't, you're MISSING the REAL NEWS?"
Candice: "I haven't heard about any of that. Are you talking about 2000 real mules, or what???"
Me: "Look into 2000 Mules. I'll chat with you later."