Hi! Good morning everyone. Can i get tips for managing PTSD? Im doing all the things, but mornings and nights are the worst. My therapist is pushing Lexapro, but my history with antidepressants is they dont work for me. i live in FL and have an MMJ card, but feel like it makes me more tearful. Any advice would be most welcome. i don't have a local support system and im really struggling. tia
counseor here!….diaphramatic breathing helps trigger the parasympathetic nervous sytem. it is the same type of breath we take while we are sleeping. i use this with my clients who are having PTSD to stop the endocryn system from releasing too many fight flight chemicals. look it up. best way to practice is lying on your back with one hand on your diaphragm. The belly should expand first and not the chest. this is a proper calming breath. why do this? because it takes 8-30hours to metabolize an endocryn fight/flight response. belly breathing sends a signal to the brain that im not in fight/flight. it stops more chemicals such as adrenaline from being released. breathe is so so important. God breathed into man giving us life and he made our brain to regulate our body💗
We are ONE. Family is everything. Mom of 3 amazing girls, wife of 1 handsome and loving husband
thank you so muchfor this explanation of why belly breathing is so calming. i like it because it doesnt come naturally to me, so i have to really concentrate on each breath, wgich in turn helps with being in the moment, and retraining the brain in that moment in time💗
President: Donald J. Trump. The Corp. Never Ever give up. WWG1WG1 And above all Trust God. Pray often.
One can also do a diaphram deflation by pushing the fingers of each hand under either side of center chest, to relieve extreme inflation of diaphram during quick onset fright flight and fight situations. Or even stressful responce situations. (butterflies feelings).