Hi! Good morning everyone. Can i get tips for managing PTSD? Im doing all the things, but mornings and nights are the worst. My therapist is pushing Lexapro, but my history with antidepressants is they dont work for me. i live in FL and have an MMJ card, but feel like it makes me more tearful. Any advice would be most welcome. i don't have a local support system and im really struggling. tia
I use a product called "Genius Joy" every morning. They have other formulations but this one works for me. And I use cbdgurus gummies & melatonin at night. Turn loose of the trama, whatever it was...and let it only be that...something that happened in the past. Your life is so much more! One of my fav bible verses is 1John 1:5 & it says " ...God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." I like the Messianic Bible but read one you understand. 🙏