President Trump is our modern day Cyrus. He has been given special gifts from God and a remarkable team of exceptional individuals for this specific time in history. (HIS- STORY). President Trumps personality is perfect for this time in history. Even his name is perfect: a TRUMPet to bring down the walls of evil and corruption. (including the blue wall )This is NOT a time for:
Weakness, but Strength
Political correctness & lies, but Truth
Financial gain, but sharing & BUILDING resources
Secrecy and hiding, but Transparency and Light
There is no politically correct, compromised politician who could have ever been chosen for such a time as this. All the right stepping stones on this path were divinely orchestrated by a loving and redemptive God. God will have victory because God's plan and those He has chosen to carry out His plan ( not only President Trumps team, but each of us " digital soldiers" of truth) will not be thwarted. 😇