*HUGE INFO - The fencing around the Capitol looks just like the perimeter outline Mike Pompeo was looking at on Jan 14 from the WH and is DT-POTUS looking at live video surveillance at the WWH?
**MP tweeted a Bible passage that leads to
Q 241 about the White House having live security cameras.
***(When does a caged bird sing?)
I am still waiting on arrests and convictions, and waiting, and waiting! In fact, I have been waiting for FOUR Years now, anyone else? I think that would be proof that there is not a TWO_TIER JUSTICE SYSTEM and America really does have law and order for all. If you think I exaggerate, let me know.
Time is relative. Waiting for four years while hundreds of CEO's have stepped down, thousands of pedos have been arrested, and the world leaders have been forced to capitulate to Trump and the Patriots. Yet nothing is happening in this thousands of year old war that we have been in for only very short period. Back out and look at the big picture. This is happening EXTREMELY quickly when you consider the size of this operation. This is all about waking the sheep slowly enought that they do not stampede when they learn the horrible truth that 2/3 or more of our leaders are corrupt either by