I am slowly coming to terms with how information and psychological war causes real wounds. It is easy to see it in the masked and jabbed who won’t defend themselves (or their children) from harm. My sense is that anons are also accumulating real wounds from injustice, isolation, disruption, overwhelm, and economic stress. Constant exposure to genocide propaganda, gaslighting, and emotional abuse takes a toll.
It’s tempting to ignore the invisible wounds and tell yourself to “man up” and keep going. That works in the short run, but stores up longer term problems. The internal pain grows and grows, eventually becoming unmanageable. The nature of this was means we have to be strung along via “the plan” with an undetermined timescale. The costs of earlier failure to heal trauma come due while the war is still running.
The really dangerous enemy is self-harm and failure to care for oneself. I know that only too well at a personal level.
Well said. Let's slso remind ourselves that we have much support all around us too. How many of us step up to lend a hand to one another when one is down. I have recieved more support from those on the digital battlefield than from my family or those whom I thought were true friends. Let's keep in mind all the support coming from the warriors.🐸💖 We are here for each other and WE never give up. It's ok and good to take a break, keeps us connected to the devine to reflect and then we come back stronger each time.😘