When any family and friends who mocked and disowned you find out the truth, do you honestly believe they'll admit they were wrong? All this process did was to point out those who truly don't know what love is, or how to show honor and respect to others.
Monday, the day after Mother's Day, I may see my sister and her family for what may be the last time. We bury our mom next to our dad at a government cemetery that day.
I'm grateful that I told my mom (almost) every day just how much I loved her. We were all so blessed to have her in our lives. Words just don't do her justice.
I wish a patriot or a military member could be there for me. I'll be alone, trying to hold myself together while I say goodbye—as my "family" stands in judgement of me. I not only lose my mom, but half of my family that day.
We have all lost so much.

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
i am SO sorry! and i send you prayers and comfort. i've been dismissed for my sharing of the truth by my entire family. but to be honest - i've always been on the outside and never did receive the kind of real support and love i always needed. i learned to become a loner and keep my circle small. i'm here if you need to talk. 🙏

Blessings, Victoria. Being the loner, the one the family dumps on, isn't easy, is it? My changing that dynamic took a while, but I lost anyway. Did we ever truly have them as a family to begin with?
The best friends stay, and have our back. They don't judge without knowing, assume without asking, attack without thinking, or leave without so much as an, "I love you."
I will forgive them soon. But what was done today won't ever be forgotten. There is no going back. If it weren't for my faith . . .
🙏 We'll make it through this. The challenges keep growing more difficult, however.
You know, I'm crying as I read this. I don't know what happened today with your sister/family....I'm crying over your mom. Were you close? My mom told me today she's getting the 4th booster. I have been all but pleading with her not to take these things - and it hurts. I would never lie to her - not about something like this. It hurts she has more trust towards, well, evil. Fauci and team. Her doctor (new doctor I should say). She doesn't respect the work I do - and never has. But I know - if she is ever open and sees the truth - all she has to do is look at me with the LOOK of "i'm so sorry honey" and I would do more than accept it immediately - I would heal a deep deep wound. (insert my dad, brother and the rest)....But I no longer expect or count on it. I give my focus to where the Love is.

Yes, my mom and I were very close. I was her co-healthcare power of attorney. I suspect a bit of jealousy was at play. But, their choices, not mine.
I hope your mom has placebo shots. 🙏😓 God, make it stop.
A couple of generations blindly trusted those in charge. I never did. I hope your mom will be okay. Fighting for what's right is hard enough right now, without needing to fend off ignorance and hatred too.
Don't count her out. Believe it or not, I still have hope. 💙