I am noticing other men still "stuck in Babylon" and struggling to let go of the corporate career etc. Here's what I have found: when you reach between your legs and find a pair of courage-inducing organs, and act like you have a bit of potency sat between, then you'll receive the resources you need to fight from the cosmos.
"I am fighting for something important bigger than me and my own needs/immediate family" justifies asking for others to share their surplus. You don't need to be perfect, you don't need to be first, you don't need to be experienced. Just draw a line and say I am not going to compromise any further, and am now willing to sacrifice.
Here's the paradox: it is those who are willing to be persecuted who may end up suffering the least. You'll be surrounded by others who are loyal and have your back, rather than the self-serving. Trying to keep your comforts means you risk losing them all.
Plus ladies like guys with ginormous gonads.
small business Martin!!!
when you know how to run a buisness by the numbers, its as easy as 123! ha!
and you can start young. instead of $200,000 for college and lost years, you can start businesses and sell them as you go.
there are SO MANY WAYS!!!
i live in walmart, tyson, jb hunt community in northwest arkansas. these people know their soul is being sucked dry. they cant stand the thought of going a week without a paycheck, health insurance,
the reason, they Dont have the knowledge of how it really works.
i have had my own small businesses since i was 26 and wish i had started at 14.
so, start yout business plan. any plan can become a staple. next research percentage of expenses by percentages. ex. rent, insurance, cost of goods, marketing, etc
its time!
As a business owner, I recommend that too! His photography could be very lucrative.