Maybe nothing, maybe more .s. You decide.

VK posted on April 27 "home". McAfee channel posted "home" at the end post on Telegram on April 25.


Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.

In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication

Johnny Q what does it mean Sir??? Are the 144,000 leaving soon? I get the 'something big is coming part' we've been hearing it for years but I do believe something is going to fall when the weight is pushing down hard enough. 'Sleeping on the floor' meaning not in touch with reality? Taking out the Sun...JFK jr. has to come out???

I get the 'it was over before it started.' We are just watching what would have happened if it [their] plans succeeded but now we have to let their plans show as happening, while also showing it is being over turned, but truly they've all been gitmo'd. I don't necessarily believe it but I will entertain all this. But to see the book one day would be great.

'Vaults opening, current burn' no idea what that means. Maybe the money aspect?

There's 31 TB Terabytes of proof whiteđź‘’'s, have that makes them scared.

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response --- Shuaye to her Publication

The 144,000 and the Sacred Geometry of Light

144,000 = 12,000 x 12,000. 12 x 12 = 144 is a Holo-Fractal (Whole-in-the -Part/Part-in-the-Whole) Expression of this Larger, More Inclusive Light
The Neurological System has 12 Paired Nerves in the Lower Half of the Body and 12 Paired Cranial Nerves in the Head. They are Connected by 8 Pairs of Nerves that are Centered in the Heart and by the Vagus, or 'Tree of Life,' Nerve that is the Longest Nerve in the Body.
Our Ancient Ancestors also Viewed and Organized their Communities and Cities based upon the Number 12. The City of Jerusalem is one of many '12 Tribe Nations" that were Designed as Microcosmic Expressions of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac.
The Story of Israel, when Viewed in this Cosmological Context
is based upon this Long Lost Model. Is-Ra-El literally means Shining Ray of Light (IS refers to Light; Ra Refers to Rays of Light; and El Means Shining)

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

The Twelve Tribes of Israel Represented the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac with Jerusalem Representing the Central Sun. ("In My Father's House there are Many Houses, or Mansions....")
Each Tribe was Associated with a House of the Zodiac and Jesus Chose 12 Disciples--One from Each Tribe. So, Jerusalem, The Nation of Israel and the Disciples with Jesus Representing the Central Sun/Son is an 'As Above So Below" Representation of the Universal Body of Light represented by the Zodiac.
Jesus is the "Cosmic Christ" who Integrates the 12 Neurological Strings of the Strings of the Lower Body with the 12 Strings Through the Neurological Strings that are Centered in the Heart. He is the Bridegroom of Creation who represents the Sacred Marriage of Head and Heart--the Sacred Heart of Jesus is Often Depicted as having 12 Rays of Light Shining from His Heart.
Something to Think About and REFLECT Upon.

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

just add, the new jerusalem is the full unfolding of the mind.
1000 yrs is the no stone untruned in the mind and the doors have all been open.

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response IAM 8:13 to her Publication

YES! Let THIS Mind Be in YOU, That was in CHRISTO JESU,"
-Philippians 2:5

"We Sit Around a Circle and Suppose, but the SECRET Sits in the Center and KNOWS." -Robert Frost

The Human Body Produces the "Christ Oil"--a Sacred Secretion
Once Every Month According to the Astrological Position of the New Moon When You are Born.
This Sacred Secretion is Produced in the Claustrum of the Brain
which is associated with the CROWN Chakra. It Descends into a Sacred Space/"CAV"ITY Within the SOLAR PLEXUS where it is Regenerated and Reborn. It then Ascends Through the Nerve Channels of the Ida and Pingala; ALSO called the Mary and Joseph Nerve Channels. When It Crosses the 33RD VERTEBRAE, It RESTS for Three Days and Nights and Then Continues to the Pineal Gland where it is Transformed and Transmuted 1,000 Fold into Bio-plasmic Light that Regenerates the Body. This is the Process Through which Our Light Body is Reintegrated into the Eternal Light Body of the Source Fie

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

you write so beautifully!

yes. the things you have posted here describes my personal experience

the I have been calling the process the activation of our 888 bodies.

there is sp much to write about! the experience is literally from hell to heaven.

thank you for sharing

please keep going! 🙏

Thank You! I Noticed that you are 8:12--An Interesting Choice of Numbers. Eight is the Number of (I)nfinity. 13 is 1 Plus Three. The Number One as Well as the Letter "I" Always Represent the Vertical Axis and the Number Three is the Number of the Trinity....

In response IAM 8:13 to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @QuantumChristian2022 in this post can reply

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication


“13th dimension “

a more personal expression of the dimension of hell
and the dimension of heaven

One +the trinity!!! 13

everyone has the trinity plus one.

humanity needs to be taught how to reach this level.

much work to be done! 🙏💙

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response IAM 8:13 to her Publication

I AM Happy to Find Another Kindred Spirit who Understands the Enormity of what needs to be done. Keep in Touch.

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I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication


Here is a Poem I Wrote to Honor the Spirit of the Cosmic Christ that Lives in Everyone. I Need to Share It in Two Parts so the second part will appear as a "response" to this Post. Here It Is:

By Craig Robert Steele

Oh Sacred Seed of
Love Sublime
Swirling Sphere of
Space and Time

Diamond Strings of
Sound and Light
Swirl and Twirl in
Cosmic Night

Inner Outer
Outside In
Heartbeat of the
Source Within

Star-Filled Vulva
Mother Heart
Whole and Part

Still-Point of the
Turning Gyre
Spiral Dance of
Serpent Fire

The Great I AM on
Fiery Tree
Rooted in

Arises from the
Void Within to
Free My Soul of
Mortal Sin

Reunion of the
Head and Heart
No Longer Split and
Torn Apart

Earth and Sky Above
Perfect Love

Continued in Next Post

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

A HYMN TO THE COSMIC CHRIST-Continued from Previous Post

Old Life Ends as Dove Descends
The Darkness Becomes Bright
The Holy Spirit Dances Round
In Tongues of Flame and Light

On Bended Knee,
I Kneel and See
Cosmic Key


The Christ Who Lives in Everyone!
No Matter Near or Far
The Christ Whose Love Moves Everything
The Sun, the Moon, the Stars!

The Christ Whose Death
Restores the Breath
Creation Old and New
The One Whose Spirit Lives in Me

And Also Lives in You!

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