🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 [https://www.navair.navy.mil/foia/documents?page=0]
Flouride is poison. Best to switch to a Flouride free toothpaste and mouthwash. Also filter out flouride from drinking water. Many communities have high flouride levels. Flouride treatments at the dentist are also not needed. My personal story after switching was healthier gums and no sensitivity. I did not let my dentist or hygienist know I had switched, and my first checkup after switching which was about 5 months later, they remarked that my gums looked "really good." I noticed mych less sensitivity with the cleaning process. I believe flouride increases gum inflammation.