Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
I’ll gladly accept a class action lawsuit against USA inc for forcing us to lock down and negatively affecting my life.
For accepting a rigged election and letting an elderly dumb ass wreck this country. (I know he’s fake)
Let’s bring on the great default and bankrupt this corporation forever. (already is bankrupt but needs to play out for normies)
he’s fake..whats not fake is the price of gas and groceries, jab or job scenario… oh but the Plan - so f’in sick, tired and frustrated…oh talk to God you say…and oh I have… and friends still think im nuts and “OH SO MUCH IS HAPPENING.. YOU JUST CAN’T SEE IT”. i see it ok..WTF..Where are the real HAPPENINGS for EVERYONE to see?? well… “Dates not events”. right…venting done to whoever