Digital Bodyguard for Vince & Linda McMahon #4VKM
They could take away from Twitter friends
But they couldn't stop the latest#4VKM
From being the#1 Viewed episode to launch
Goldberg 71
Think Mirror
Which Team?
THEY don't know!

Married to a 🚒,mom of 3 and a grandma x 2 ! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I wish I would catch on and understand this. Still trying to figure it all out, but maybe I will wait for the movie. 😂
I have to watch several times, pausing a dozen times and taking notes to research. 🤯

Digital Bodyguard for Vince & Linda McMahon #4VKM
Done by design! Best way to learn :)
Thanks for all your work and time breaking it down!

You are the salt of the earth + the light of the world. Guided by God. Ready for Eden.
I've learned so much from your videos. I just hope I've figured then out correctly. And thank you for all your hard work.