I interact with plenty of patriots and campaigners. Many have quite modest backgrounds in terms of education and employment. I notice how they are talked down to by members of the professional establishment.
I got my dose of privilege (scholarship to a top London private school, Oxford, consulted to board level at global telcos, industry advisory board member, invites to private retreats). It just doesn’t enter my head that I should be intimidated by claimed authority and status.
Here’s the rub: having peeked behind the curtain of the tech elite and social establishment I know that their notable quality is ruthless pursuit of self-interest. It’s literally a confidence trick; ordinary people believe there must be some substance to the illusion of superiority.
The whole point of getting entry was to know it was meaningless to real worth — and hence no longer be fooled by the status game. Now I wear a hoodie and hang out with deplorables full time. A way better life!
We are not from privilege in any way, shape, or form. Perhaps by lineage but that has nothing to do with the here and now. My mom instilled in us from an early age that we all put our pants on one leg at a time. We all have bodily functions and needs. When it gets down to the most basic aspects of life...we are not less than because we don't have a lot of money. That has really helped me to NOT be enamored by glittery lifestyles and those that live them. If I were standing next to someone with obvious money....I would still say hi...how's your day going? The same as if I were standing next to my neighbor the farmer. I would treat both with equal respect and consideration...full well knowing that we ALL have a need to know Jesus...and a need for Salvation. Have a super blessed day and a super blessed Resurrection Day!!! :)