I interact with plenty of patriots and campaigners. Many have quite modest backgrounds in terms of education and employment. I notice how they are talked down to by members of the professional establishment.
I got my dose of privilege (scholarship to a top London private school, Oxford, consulted to board level at global telcos, industry advisory board member, invites to private retreats). It just doesn’t enter my head that I should be intimidated by claimed authority and status.
Here’s the rub: having peeked behind the curtain of the tech elite and social establishment I know that their notable quality is ruthless pursuit of self-interest. It’s literally a confidence trick; ordinary people believe there must be some substance to the illusion of superiority.
The whole point of getting entry was to know it was meaningless to real worth — and hence no longer be fooled by the status game. Now I wear a hoodie and hang out with deplorables full time. A way better life!
One blessing of a divorce, long distance move, and the rona was my escape from the “inner circle” and living among the “From here’s not come here’s.” Tonight, I must attend a birthday party for a dear friend and was advised today of the elite guests who will be attending & what attire I should wear, weeks after I accepted the invite. I don’t know how I got myself into this mess 😂🤣 I will let you all know if my inner “white trash” makes a breakthrough appearance. Yes, I have been called that, but I know my value. I am a treasured daughter of the only true King. ✝️ (adjusting my tiara now). I’ve got this. 💪🏼😇