-Statistical surveys of COVID-19 patients indicate, against all common logic, that people who smoke are less prone to the infection and/or exhibit less severe respiratory symptoms than non-smokers.⭐️ Well well... ⭐️https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32522666/
Nicotine is one of many substances that can attach to nicotinic/acetylcholine receptors.
Nicotine is part of the nightshade food family, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, etc. Caffeine does the same thing, as does Mestinon/Pyridostigmine Bromide (the drug I take).
This is a far more complex situation than is being represented.
Wow! I could pick your brain on this one. Great information, thank you! I got more out of this response than any of my medical friends!-and I am a nurse, so I know a few. lol. ⭐️ Excellent!
Just go to my timeline. 💙