-Statistical surveys of COVID-19 patients indicate, against all common logic, that people who smoke are less prone to the infection and/or exhibit less severe respiratory symptoms than non-smokers.⭐️ Well well... ⭐️https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32522666/
Links to Watch the Water Documentary Stew Peters Dr. Bryan Ardis on my page. In the order they appeared in the documentary.
Nicotine is one of many substances that can attach to nicotinic/acetylcholine receptors.
Nicotine is part of the nightshade food family, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, etc. Caffeine does the same thing, as does Mestinon/Pyridostigmine Bromide (the drug I take).
This is a far more complex situation than is being represented.
Wow! I could pick your brain on this one. Great information, thank you! I got more out of this response than any of my medical friends!-and I am a nurse, so I know a few. lol. ⭐️ Excellent!
Digital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on Earth & ALL Above
Nicotine coats the diaphragm so the venom can't penetrate
it & weaken the lungs ability to work.
Brilliant⭐️That is exactly what I wanted to know! Thank you!!