Pleiadians are NOT reptilians unless hybrid. Their DNA is tied to Birds.
If we had Trumps real birthdate, time and place I could confirm that. There is speculation he is actually Patton's biological son born on a different date.
Trump has Annunaki, Alpha Centaurian and Lyran predominant in his soul lineage. The Lyran is the good heart. The Alpha Centaurian is the Tough Guy and the Annunaki is the one that loves the limelight and Gold. The Alpha Centaurian could cause the slit and be on the side of good.
Are many Trumps out there now like the one who recovered from covid and said his blood was the vax & the other who said he took the shot, get the shot. "?" Huh?
The Pleiadian energies in play are JFK JR. His birth chart has THREE planets in the pleiades at the time of his birth. You need at least one to have a soul origin, 2 is rare, I've never come across some with three. JFK SR has 1. q on Truth posted this- The Pleiades constellation is in the patio lights.

How many times have they tried to kill him? I would need a clone myself with what they have done! Mygma was from the Bird clan, and her name meant eagle, and she was a sharp eyed person who had visions, so if people don't know I think they should learn of these things!

Yes. I think they should learn them too.
Pleadians seeded the Bird Tribes and so much more. They seed the cattaceans (dolphin, porpoise and Whale mammals) as well.
A nod of respect to your Grandmother- Lakata Dakato Sioux have a powerful connection to the Bird Tribes and Pleiades. Who is she with?
Return of the Bird Tribes is a prayer of Hope. A remembering and an embodiment of the higher dimensional consciousness that knows no separation from the God; Source of all that is. She sings in a light feathered language, a song, of a bird who sings in reverence to the Maker. Merging organic percussion & instrumentation with dawn sounds of the Australian bush & a fierce tribal future bass. Return of the Bird Tribes calls to the part of ourselves that remembers the spirits of the stars & that we are vast noble, ancients returning.
Like the Eagle that takes the snake to the sky, the bird tribes will be removing the snakes of earth. Nothing can stop it
This was filmed at burnin

What would be the best way to figure this all out for oneself? Any tools you could share? Would you maybe be willing to do mine by chance? Id love to know. Thank You for your post😊

There is a site that does for identifying star seed soul lineage and I learned what to look for specifically for Pleiadian soul lineage.
Here is the site link- she does them for a fee-
She gives the markings for Pleiadian Star seed lineage.
You can run your own chart here. You can put in a fake name. The other details need to be exact-time of day matters! Look for these markings.

He is the son of General Patton- When Patton and his wife were killed, the Trumps adopted DJT…

I can beleive it. That also means, we can't get a birthday, place and time. Famous people usually have had a chart dones on them by someone and they are easy to find on the web.I bet there is one out there on Trumps given stats. I wouldn't bother validating it though as I suspect this Patton theory may have teeth, What has you convinced.

LOVE IS THE PEACE AND HARMONY TO ALL THINGS..........A New Age and A New World is Dawning💚🌟💚...... FamILY is Everyth1ng...1111
Do you read birthcharts? If so, I have mine, could/would you read it for me?
I am thinking I am Andromedan origin...

Oooh, this explains some messages I have been getting.😂 Sharing this for all interested to do their own.
I can read galactic frequency signatures if I have something real from the person to resonate with. I personally think we need to put emphasis on getting along as a mixed bag of star seeded humans , angelics and new souls.
I don't do birth charts.
There is a site that does for identifying star seed soul lineage and I learned what to look for specifically for Pleiadian soul lineage.
Here is the site link- she does them for a fee-
She gives the markings for Pleiadian Star seed lineage.
You can run your own chart here. You can put in a fake name. The other details need to be exact-time of day matters! Look for these markings.
Only followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

Of course it is my intutive read.😂 I never said I was offering facts, Kim why waste your time stating the obvious?
You beleiveing his pupil slitting the same as we see in shapeshifters has to do with an eagle eye is also based on opinion.
Do you beleive Trump is a shapeshifting eagle.
I will frequency signature reads on people whenever I please here. You can keep scrolling by.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
wanta break that down into English? I dont hang with the paleadians...

Which part?😂
I will walk you though if truly interested. I covered a lot.