*HUGE INFO - The fencing around the Capitol looks just like the perimeter outline Mike Pompeo was looking at on Jan 14 from the WH and is DT-POTUS looking at live video surveillance at the WWH?
**MP tweeted a Bible passage that leads to
Q 241 about the White House having live security cameras.
***(When does a caged bird sing?)
QUADS: UL + LL = people sitting around a table, UR = people sitting in a circle on the floor (maybe cuffed), UM = live feed to the WH “stage” & LM looks like DT (it’s too fuzzy for me to make out for sure)????? I think the big “score” is the outline MP was pointing his “pen” to at the WH looking so much like the map of the fenced off Capital.
LOL. Zoom-like call, not security cameras. Military, not detainees. LMAO