We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.

Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
Love the gutters. Everyone I know is starting to grow a garden. This will help. Thanks for the great ideas!
That's my favorite too (gutters). I just gotta find some. I have a perfect spot for, the side of the shed. I supposed I could be nice and save the bottom gutter for lettuce for the rabbits. Those little pesky critters eat everything. And then net the others. If not, birds will get your strawberries before you do.

Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
I bet companies replacing gutters could be a good source. I love the idea of the lower one being for the rabbits.
We have squirrels. They get everything just the minute it's ripe!