I am a Peak Performance nerd who owns a platform of businesses and products that help people break bad habits and reach their potential.
question about elon musk im sure nobody will answer
we are supposed to think grimes , a 5,4 white satanic chick is his “handler” … and all he had to do to escape the illuminati/ cabal/ is to divorce her?
they just let you walk out of the club with a divorce? lmao
is nobody else around here a critical thinker?
or what am i missing ?
hes still the guy messing around with trying to live on mars,and implant chips in us…
why exactly do we trust him?
because he tweeted about free speech? thats all it takes to garner trust of anons?

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
I get what you putting down but Who do you think is a good guy?
Is everyone bad?

I am a Peak Performance nerd who owns a platform of businesses and products that help people break bad habits and reach their potential.
no i KNOW everyone cant be bad… i just have no confirmation of ANYONE actually being good yet.
especially with biden, hillary , obama, and all the rest of the clan still running around,
the elite class cashing in all over the place on whats happened and their net worths sky rocketed,
our military has notoriously been the “devil dogs” of these sick people, and done their dirty work…without even being concious of it.
how do we expect our military is all of a sudden gonna throw them in jail?
i dont believe everyone is evil, but at minimum i would say its the ones willing to put their penis in demons.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
I know you can see it. These people are going down in a grand way.
Twitter is the world stage and POTUS is about to be unleashed.
46 will be taken.
All the ABC agencies have been exposed. Politicians have been exposed. Military Heads Exposed.
Pretty fooken excited but keep in mind that things are being done a certain way to preserve our constitution.

Looking through a “Biblical” lens makes these things harder to trust, VK. The only one who stands up bringing the world together and “saves” humanity, is the anti-christ. Knowing that it’s pretty hard to trust a man who is currently weilding such global power. It’s the perfect way to also enslave us. The neurolink, satelites, tesla power, his new prefab tiny houses, even crypto, can all work together to completely control humanity. I can understand your perspective, that’s why I am keeping an open mind. But at the end of the day, if Elon is a bad egg, when we find this out we will be in a situation where there’s nothing we can do; he will have too much power. That’s a lot of power in one man’s hands. As of right now, I don’t trust him.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
I don't think people really understand we are in FULL enslavement right now. Schools, Banks, Politicians, Hollywood, MSM, Pharma, Religion... all infiltrated. In addition we are getting robbed blind with taxes.
Now is a time for solutions to fix those issues. Have any ideas to fix? Do we just Trust a book that they probably have edited?
I will never ask you to Trust me, EM, Trump or any other human.
Trust yourself = Trusting God.

I agree that we are fully enslaved right now. I have my full trust and 100% faith in God. That’s good enough for me. I had a dream about you on 3/26 that made me trust you more. I also think it’s ok to not agree on everything. I’ve been wrong before and I know I will be again. I enjoy keeping an open mind. We have been lied to on such a massive scale, that it almost feels impossible to ever trust anything (other than God) completely again!
Whoever is going to be the Public figure in the end will be labeled as the Antichrist by many. I don't think EM was even a contender but If its Him or Trump or JFK Jr or whoever they will be labeled.
I think it was Obama since many loved him. However most of us did not and the dogma that comes along with that worries me.
Like you keeping an open mind.

according to Juan O Savin Prince William is the Antichrist

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
The Truth won’t be for everyone.
Thr deception is vast!

Trump is my President We are in a war of God vs Evil Hold the Line Justice is Coming. Texas Strong #savethechildren WWG1WGA
"We the People" are the majority -I care not what the liberal peanut gallery has to say once the dust settles -"We" shall decide the direction of this Country.
God Bless Our Military

I think George Soros fits the antichrist profile.

Family is Everything. Remembering David Dorn & Veronica Wolski. #WWG1WGA
so sad but so true
agree on BO


Background in Defense Aerospace. In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. All for God and Country.
I believe the antichrist is the puppet master globalist elites and bankers as a collective. They would do false flags then provide a solution. They would get us into wars to steal resources. The beast is the system they influence. The prophet in the book of Revelation is the fake news media blasting their lies. The lady on the beast is the queen or the "crown". All of our bonds since we were born was traded on the stock exchange as chattel, all state and fed gov't protected Washington DC, the vatican and the crown. All of our so-called taxes flowed to them as they became so filthy rich.

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.
my core being believed Obama was the first time i heard him speak. i felt so unsettled. like nails on the chalkboard. it was disoriening to see how others responded to him. when my enamored son commented on what a great speaker he was, i blurted out “so was Hitler” normally that comparison is uncalled for but i could not control that inner voice.

A restless ordinary patriot who is tired of Wash DC and is here to fight for Pres. Trump, com hell or high water, and support "The Plan"!
I’ve always had a feeling BO was the Antichrist. He was the opposite of everything. He was “suppose” to bring everyone together, eliminate racism, eleminate homelessness, end wars, blah, blah, blah!!! But he did the opposite in a deceitful way! All he did was make promises and in the background, support, fund and spread evil throughout the land! Everthing seems to circle around BO.

I have thought about that too but after watching ppls response to covid,blindly accepting all that went with it and the overall inability for society to be able to identify basic right from wrong, (let alone stand up for whats right,) maybe God is showing us more than we realize through this process

I think you are correct that it was Obama. He was the public face leading us to slaughter. He was pure evil, but put on a nice facade for the blind. At the end, he wasn't as popular as some think. And when the truth of all of his evil comes to light, he will be lucky to already be burning in the fire for eternity.

mystery of the self : we can wake up that we are not linear beings but instead dimensional beings living dimensional lives. -Joe Dispenza
For 1000s of years, billions of humans believed, lived in faith of The Anti-Christ or Jesus or ___ coming true.
The mechanics of our reality, the#Matrix MUST submit and bring to fruition the human conscious energy output. This is why propaganda is the most dangerous weapon to humanity, it can change an outcome.
This is why PsyOps work.
The operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
Psy Ops are NOT BAD...I mean.... when you found out Santa was NOT real, were you mad at your parents for helping you be a good little boy?
Now as an adult, knowing the Quantum field of possibility is all around me. I choose the PsyOp/an outcome I most favor.
Only followers of this user (@GodsGraciousGift) can see their posts

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
The antichrist will have "no regard for the desire of women.". That qualifies Obama. Not Trump or Jr 😆

I believe the antichrist could be a groupmof people that includes Obama.
Only followers of this user (@Kimber333) can see their posts

Revelation 13:3, KJV: And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Although most of the book of revelation seems to be symbolic, ive always felt this verse was literal. Like say, Klaus Schwab gets shot in the head and miraculously survives.... that kind of thing.
Only followers of this user (@Mystogan) can see their posts

Mine too! Researching word etymology has opened up whole new world !!!

very interesting conversation here Patriots, this resonates with many of us

The anti christ is not one person, it is in all of us….our ego. The truth of God destroys the ego and sets us free.
Jacob Israel did a great video explaining this:

The Spirit of the Anti Christ resides within and Wars with the Spirit of God.
S.I.N. self induced non-sense
G.O.D. good orderly direction
religion has made God out there somewhere
heaven/hell up there or down there
the number of man 666 we are all born this way
until we ask God to change us
This is not a big deal. really
Religion resides in Hopium for an after life or Fearism or your gonna go straight to hell
our souls are eternal and loved by God
we are all on a journey. its just a journey!

having a brain fart. who is 'EM' and why the need to capitalize the 'H' when referring to him?

Elon Musk I would guess

God is Love and we are the light of the world. Witnessing the greatest movement in history and supporting the best I can.🙏❤️💫
my guess, we don’t have someone “save” us. We save ourselves through Christ Consciousness. maybe “a light trump talked about” everything unfolds beautifully after.

Hmmm...perhaps we are the savior we've been waiting for...?
Food for thought:

I think another interesting question is how long has the AC been around? Considering revelations at what point are we? Did the 1000 yrs happen long ago and is this the time just before God destroys all evil, bringing fire down upon the earth and casting the devil into the lake of fire? Is this really the 3rd coming of Jesus?

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
I've been wondering that myself.
Would help to explain the seemingly impossible architecture of the old world.

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.
Well the decider is if there is a mark as stated in Revelation 13 and whether there are stiuations of buying and selling only being allowed for those that have that mark.
Then we will know who.

the following is not going to be received well:
is the antichrist a BAD thing?
[they] provided the book.
[they] omitted chapters.
[they] changed the story.
[they] made sure you could only get it at church with a priest as a gatekeeper (centuries ago)
[they] deployed the printing press to spread the knowingly manipulated Word.
do [they] read the Bible differently than we do?
is the bible (modified version, lowercase B) actuallt referring to their god?
are we unknowingly feeding the beast?
the same way movies have layers and we see one thing while they used to hide their symbology in plain sight.
is the antichrist (in their ‘bible’) the one that will bring the end to [their] system?
I am a firm believer in God, but I find a duty to myself to question a system of belief that is taught to me by the same corrupt system that lied, stole, and, cheated me in the rest of my life.
God wins.
We win.

There is a youtube recording of an Art Bell Radio talk show where he invited anyone who believes they are the antichrist to call in.
It was the very polite, and articulate 8th caller in 1998 that explained the antichrist in a way that gave me pause.
A meaning of anti-
"opposing or hostile to in opinion, sympathy, or practice"
He said people have it all wrong. The anti christ does not come to fight Jesus Christ or Christ followers.
The anti-Christ acts opposite to the non judgmental, compassionate and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. The antichrist comes to reshuffle the deck and clean house for God, of all those who didn't get right with God.
He said the first Christ was public. He will act in private. He says he can see the future, warned about the housing/market collapse in 2006 and advised people to buy Gold, and to get straight with God and that nothing can stop what is coming.
Found it- worth a listen.

LOVE IS THE PEACE AND HARMONY TO ALL THINGS..........A New Age and A New World is Dawning💚🌟💚...... FamILY is Everyth1ng...1111
I am also a firm believer in God.
I do not fear God.
I Trust God.
I Love God.
I will never fear someone or something that I Trust and Love.
I have taught myself to lose all fear but understand it is alright to be scared once in a while. Being scared for too long will plant a seed of fear. Awareness of this helps create strength within.

i think most of us don't know what to expect anymore. We just trust in ourselves and trust in God. Fear is not an option and neither is feeling lost all the time. Enjoy the moment, be with family and continue being righteous.

trying to destroy the matrix and Satan in the airwaves brainwaves. Save the family . Praise God freedom
think the anti christ is a bad spirit . like we have good and bad in us all . i think the good spirit wins . and love will win . everyone wins . i qint judging nobody any more not trump nit Obama not biden . you fuck ariund put bad ju ju out . and everyone loses

Unvaxxed. Unmasked. Untested. Unafraid. God wins! I have been singing about corruption for 40 years. I will never give up!
Can we please talk about Elon? Why should we trust him?
Tell us more about the Tesla car in space? How is that doing?
Sure seems like a huge lie to me. Thoughts??

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
I look up A LOT. have a scope. see all the planets. I watch the space station fly across the sky at a very fast pace. I have seen the ocean hug the curve. If we live in a dome its a big ass dome. If it is all fake then I will assume Elon has used the money to setup a totally different communications/weapon system under their noses to prevent a total blackout.
Elon very early on warned everyone about AI. While everyone else is pushing overpopulation Elon has been warning of a Population collapse. He was vocal about the Vax.

Proud American - Faith in Humanity - Indivisible Under God

#FamilyIsEverything #BlueGreenTeam Chef Photographer Colon Cancer Survivor Military Baker ✍🐉🦌🪶⚜⚓🌹💙💚
I get it.
If its Junior, which I think it is.....they mirrored it and Im cool with it. The AC might not be the evil one.
everything is upside down in clown world

oboma could be antichrist said that for years , or it could be princess diana
s son the rosemary babied ritual from the tunnel ,