#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
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Year of the ...
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
HMM....Year of the DARK WATER RABBIT. The Quantum Field, which is the DARK, "WATERY SOURCE"--the Aether, The Void, The Womb of the Mother Heart of All Creation. The Rabbit, in some Native American Tribes is Associated with Fear since Rabbits Spend their Entire Lives Programmed to Avoid the Predators that are ALWAYS WATCHING THEM, Waiting for the Perfect Moment to Strike.
According to Brain Researcher Paul McCLean, Human Beings have a
a 3-in-1, Triune Brain Structure. We have a Fear and Survival Based Reptilian Brain that is Limited by the Five Senses and Operates
according to Fight, Flight, or Freeze. The Reptilian Brain is Holo-fractally Enfolded Within the Limbic or "E-motional" Brain which in Turn is Enfolded Within the Rational Brain of the Neo-Cortex. It's a "Nested Hierarchy" much like Russian Nesting Dolls. When All three Levels are Integrated with the HEART through the Pre-Frontal Cortex, we are brought into Coherence and Conscious Resonance with the Source Field
In order to Access these Higher, more Inclusive Levels, however, we must Learn to Identify and Surrender the Fear Based Programming that is Responsible for Our Emotional and Mental Fragmentation.
We Must Learn to Enter what APPEARS to the Reptilian Fear Based Brain, to be the "Void" or the "Abyss" or "No-THING-ness" and allow ourselves to be Reborn and Rebirthed into a Higher (and Deeper) Level of Consciousness
The Spiritual Traditions of All Religions, as well as their Avatars--Krishna, Buddha and Christ are, when viewed in this Universal Context, the Software through which we Align the Hardware of our Brains with Our Hears and become Conscious Living Embodiments of Love Itself.
SEE Joseph Campbells Description of THE HERO'S JOURNEY which is found in ALL Literature, both Ancient and Contemporary.
During the Year of the DARk WATER RABBIT we will be Called to Surrender Our Fears, and Leap Individually and Collectively into what Appears to be the Abyss-l
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
the No-Thing-Ness that is, Paradoxically the Source through which we are Transformed, Transmuted and Transfigured into Living Embodiments of Love Itself! This is the Shift of the Ages, The Great Awakening, The (Q)uantum (Quickening through which we become aware of our (Q)uintessential Connection to the I FIERY, I AM THAT I AM PRESENCE that is Hidden Within that Darkness--the Christ Seed, if you will, that is Potential Within Each One of Us if We have the Courage to Seek It and Become One with it.
Those were all great posts!! Thank you for sharing!