Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
I am lonely. I am broke. My PTSD is worse. My mate's health continues to decline. We have NO ONE in our life here (ZERO SUPPORT) and we feel more squeezed and trapped than ever before. I don't know what to do anymore - I am tired of waking up crying and shaking all over - feels like my mind is cracking.
Hang in are not alone, We the People will prevail, Don't let the sheeple or control freaks get you down. We all feel hopeless at times, overwhelmed by the mass brainwashing and sleepers and sometimes feel like it's never gonna make a difference because they seem so hell bent on taking us all down with them. The awakening will happen like a dominoe effect, the 100th monkey, and it will happen, so do not fear, you are not alone!