The cowardly are the ones who fell for the fear propaganda. But that meant they were the ones who found it hardest to back out: once the initial lockstep took hold, it required enormous courage to say you were wrong in the face of such overwhelming group conformity and peer pressure.
The wickedness of what was done to these people has no excuse. Nonetheless, evil is a thing, and the lesson is that we need to be on constant watch for new schemes to bypass our defences and subvert us "in our own best interest". A missold sense of duty to one's fellow man is deadly.
I’m very upset with company I work for. They came just short of mandatory vaccination, but sent out many harassing emails to get vaccinated and boostered and because of this many went along with it. They even paid for 2 hours of time as an incentive. Our software system we use for payroll added a function to track Vax passports. The irony is, now these company “leaders” are coming down with “covid”.
I tried to warn colleagues to do their own research.
I hope this company and many like them are considered when the Nuremberg trials begin.
It’s huge, unbelievably huge. My husband was forced to retire from a public university that insanely commanded all be jabbed despite working online and never going to campus. 60 days later they dropped all mandates. I expect lawsuits all over the country for this overreach and communist rule by bureaucrats and ceos.