The cowardly are the ones who fell for the fear propaganda. But that meant they were the ones who found it hardest to back out: once the initial lockstep took hold, it required enormous courage to say you were wrong in the face of such overwhelming group conformity and peer pressure.
The wickedness of what was done to these people has no excuse. Nonetheless, evil is a thing, and the lesson is that we need to be on constant watch for new schemes to bypass our defences and subvert us "in our own best interest". A missold sense of duty to one's fellow man is deadly.
Some people have mental health issues, also. They live every day in fear. We do not know who was abused as a child or as an adult, or if they have disabilities we cannot see.
They believe what they are told, and msm has not told them yet it is all a scam.
I pray for the truth to come out to all.
My smart sleeping family don't have this excuse/reason to vax and mask. It hurts me very much that they are not awake yet. I do not know what to do about it. I pray every day.