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Is Covid a cult? - martingeddes
I have been a little bit naughty (wot me?!?) and taken the BITE framework of cult expert Dr Steven Hassan (without asking him first) and applied it to Covid. BITE stands for “Behaviour, Information, Thought, Emotional” and lists the elements of authoritarian control over cult members.
I love this! I think I would have used a few more reds or yellows on some of the green ones though, it would have been really hard to logically think this out.
Like, for example, "Manipulation of memory, possible false memories". It seems Fauci did pretend earlier info didn't exist. The CDC has put up and hidden info over time, etc. Info has been retracked and covered up over time. Media...
Another one - "Change persons name or identity". I think we have all had that happen. We are now vaxxed or unvaxxed, poisoned or pure bloods. The world sees us as either clean or unclean based on our vax status, so our identities have changed. Maybe not our name and what we look like, but even our jobs have changed (some) because we couldn't work if we were unvaxxed.
I can definitely see why you went with the green. Very logical and that's what would be needed to break this down. It must have been hard not to include gray areas like I mention above.
I love this :) You nailed it!!!