Something I have to keep doing is to catch my ego comparing myself to other men and warriors. I look at the special forces out there doing their "hard man" stuff, and wonder if they'll respect those of us who staying in the warm and dry. Rationally I know we each have a different calling, and there's nothing wussy about psychological warfare and information insurgency. Perhaps we have been brainwashed by movies and TV to celebrate the kinetic show of force, distracting us from the power of the memetic?
They do it for us. They do it for their families their friends Their heritage their country. My Sweetheart is Retired SF. He laughs and tells me that if I was in the military I’d probably be his commander. The smart ones realize we all have special gifts and skills. When they come home after they decompress they’ll be so glad to see Home family friends community. And and no one will be shooting at them anymore. drink a beer laugh wear regular clothing. I’ve watched the cycle so many times. Just be yourself. You’re special you’re blessed. We are blessed to have you. …
Oh just don’t ever startle them. it’s kinda hard to do anyway.