JESUS is my KING, America is my home and TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I'm not here for dates!! I'm here to share truth & support TRUMP

😂🤣🤣LOVE it, lol. That dumb devil filled triple strander doesn't know whether to poot or shit. lol

His face and that denial head shake was for NWO to realize he didn't know this was going to be said. It wasn't his idea and he didn't see it coming. Trump does this so effortlessly.

What make a great movie ? Great actors. He came in power in 2019 !!! Who put him there ???😎

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
comparing Z's image to that of today (see link below) who we see today is totally an actor........he's like JB - nothing presidential about him at all....https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/03/many-are-saying-the-us-congress-just-gave-a-standing-ovation-to-ukraines-zelensky-in-a-nazi-t-shirt-videos/

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Q post 93
Is HRC just a puppet and the goal is to take down her minders and the real kingpins?
HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut.
She's now on her own and fighting for her life.
✍️The Commander controlling the board on all levels.

In the waves of change is where you find your true direction...
lmao 🤣🤣🤣

Moving at Z Speed of Thought. The truth has only one master. All Timelines converged. I pledge to you all that I AM.
Witness the physical manifestation of a shiver going down one's spine. Zelensky. Dead man acting.

President Donald J. Trump is Andrew Breitbart's REVENGE
That look you get when you realize that whenever it is that you die - it won't be a good one.

Yeshua is my savior and Trump is my President #MAGA #KAGA tribe of Judah
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love President Trump tells it like it is

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
enjoyed that.


Wife, mother and rescue dog mom too ❤️ 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
moon over Kansas tonight

That look when you know you're fooked

Deeply committed Trump Patriot. Trusting the Plan. Seeker of truth and spiritual guidance.
Zelensky looks like he is totally clueless. His body language is pitiful and weak.

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
At one level, he doesn't comprehend how vast is the global spider web he's tangled in ("what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive") He has the expressions of a guilty person just put on the hotseat in front of the world media, probably for the first time in his 'professional career'. That's not the face😳of a confident and competent national leader meeting an equal. That's the face of a cornered rat🐭