I was born in 1971. My father (an aircraft maintenance technician) taught me that everything is rigged, but they need some of the technopeasant slaves to at least have the appearance of doing OK. So if you kept your nose clean, worked hard, avoided the traps — they you might get a little bit of comfy as your reward. He also said that they occasionally accidentally tell you the truth in the media, but you have to be paying close attention.
So I strived to "do well"… but found that I'm an awful functionary in [their] world, so "dropped out" while maintaining a superficial interest in the formal job scene. I have managed under one year of "employment" since 2004 (when I left Sprint). But I have taken on board what my father taught me, understood how the system is rigged, found my own comfy, and learned how to deconstruct the media's propaganda. So it turned out OK in the end…

our fathers sound like they knew each other lol

i was a Snr NCO heading for a pension...the jab just crossed my red line 1....so i started emails with evidence....last order i got was stfu....poof! resigned...... i still have the email chain just in case.....

fyi...gag order was red line 3....