Patriot Underground – Gene Decode#7 Preview! Neo-Nazi Order – 4th Reich Being Exposed! Not The Real Putin? Khazarian Mafia Surrounded! NATO Won’t Enforce No-Fly Zone! Evidence MSM In White Hat Control! – Must Video
Patriot Underground - Gene Decode #7 Preview! Neo-Nazi Order - 4th Reich Being Exposed! Not The Real Putin? Khazarian Mafia Surrounded! NATO Won't Enforce ..
Blackwater Mercenaries Battling Russian ForcesNeo-Nazi Order– 4th Reich Being ExposedZelensky Acting?Evidence MSM In White Hat ControlHow Will The World React To Taiwan Invasion?Hidden Presence Of God’s ArmyA Foot In Both DimensionsHumanity’s Hidden Powers–Decalcified Pineal and Remote ViewingFreque..
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
I would have to agree. 2 pics.

la version 2.0 a apparu au Vietnam ? 🤔mon pays d’origine…🙄tiens …

Here for Trump and Q and saving this Republic. Period. Find me on Gab -
ears are the same.....

Is Gene Decode saying that it's NOT the Real Putin ?
Did the Alliance replace him with a double or clone ?
He said that Putin was swapped out long ago.
Could it mean exchanged for another ?

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥
Yes, they came home for him evening, the reason - to give an explanation. When he returned, it was someone else. His wife talked about it. A divorce after soon took place.

Could this be why Q said they were saving Israel for last ?
I believe that's where the KM's center is located.
And the mystery continues.
Why is Russia using the letter Z ?
Why did JFK Jr. and Princess Diana wear the letter Z ?
Does it have anything to do with Trump's Q ?
Have you any good Intel about this ?