Juan O Savin
Tina Peters is.. doing exactly what she trained her son to be
a Navy SEAL out there at the cutting edge
doing what has to happen, leading the way..
for her country
her county
& those that elected her
& we’re going to stand with her. Tina Peters is my hero.
Please Father God
keep Tina safe.
Give her the joy of your presence in her heart tonight
& tomorrow, shine through her in such a way
the whole world sees
they didn’t knock her down..
in fact you were revealed through her
because she is a servant of God
& a fellow servant of her Adamic brothers
us, the American people.
She’s doing our will.
Doing things that we need done
to protect the country & the world
from those that would enslave us through falsehoods..
Help us to help her the rest of the way
to get to Justice both for her life personally
& vote Justice for the country.
We also pray for Belinda, her assistant,
who was also arrested today & for her family..
In Jesus’ name
Prayers for Tina, Belinda and their families. I cried when Juan said she is a gold star mom and what they had done to her son's footlocker. Those people deserve punishment!
I spent my early years in and near DC growing up a child of the 60's. As Navy brats, we were taught what the Gold Star meant. It was very sobering as a child during Vietnam walking to school past houses and neighbors and coming home the same walk but seeing Gold Stars in the window where there wasn't one earlier that same day. The grief flooded neighborhoods back then. God bless them and all who serve.
🌼 What a memory, Mama Tee.
Seeing Gold Stars in windows for all the sons & daughters
who fell in the Vietnam War.
The more I learn about Gold Star moms,
the more I understand Juan O Savin's DISGUST
at how the FBI thugs treated Tina Peters,
her possessions
& most importantly
her fallen son's precious foot locker
that she couldn't bear to even open.
One of the items it contained
was the flag that had draped her son's coffin.
The FBI investigators just tore it open
& threw everything in it on the floor
& then stepped on everything
just to be especially horrible.
So Gold Star moms, I understand now.
Yes, they deserve special respect & decorum
& Juan & President Trump knew that
& behaved rightly & accordingly.
Thank you for sharing that amazing image 🌟🙏🌟🕊️🌟