Anonup is a wonderful place to regroup after battle. But the battle isn't here. 90% of you are woke. The battle is out there. Go get some battle scars digital soldiers. Then come back for a warm frog bubble bath with the rest of the gang when you're all done. Never leave the battlefield. You don't have to go to Twitter either, there's a ton of normies on Gab.
Oh man, Gab is another total bummer. All hopeless patriots. No one has really read a drop. Just rambling along. The only thing that is killing me is the timing and suspense. Not how the story unfolds. 😂
Enemies can't know times and dates. So it's coming very soon, just can't give out exacts to the enemy. They are listening too, never doubt that.
Will we see Trump back as POTUS before June 2021?
I feel you on that Mr Cohen!