Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
Texas Governor Abbot Confronted About World Economic Forum, Refuses To Denounce Them Repeatedly | Red Voice Media
<p>Is Greg Abbot a Deep State Globalist plant?</p> <p>Real News & Commentary for Patriots:</p> <p>Join our Community:</p> <p>Support Our Efforts To Keep Truth Alive: https://www.redvo.. followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts
President Trump never really “officially endorsed” a candidate for our gubernatorial primary in Texas. If he did, I apologize because I didn’t see it or hear it. He said good things about Abbott and the only thing I can figure out is that maybe Trump knows he will be exposed? Abbott kept many people locked down and masked for 8 months, kept the big businesses open, (I guess viruses know the difference between big stores and small businesses), our border was overrun (and still is) and not enough was ever done to REALLY close it or secure it. The sane and good people of Texas would have gladly helped pay to finish the wall or stand alongside the Border Patrol down there. Then there was the 8 day freeze and we discovered tax dollars had paid for frozen windmills and snow covered solar panels instead of Texas energy independence. (Maybe they thought they could freeze us out?) Follow the money, yet again. I’m still scratching my head. It’s like people just sign up for more of the same.
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Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
We have not been assured that any voting machines have been secured against fraud. This has caused indifference. Although many GOP voters went to the polls and we had a record primary turn out, many people are still not trusting those machines. I hear it all the time. That said, no one “checked all the boxes” as far as candidates go and no one that does stepped up to the plate. We have also been infiltrated by liberal-minded transplants from other states. People with good morals and good values and families shy away from running for office because of the corruption that is still running rampant. So until there is clear and convincing evidence that the swamp is drained and the voting is secure, not many folks are going to dive into that muddy water.