Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Banks are done.
Mortgages are going to have to be reinvented ASAP! Any ideas how to do this? Crowdsourced home lending?
Doq, nana post said you had answers! many are saying mortgages will be paid in full. I am older we paid off house last year. Im confused in that trump would pay off my neighbors $300,000 mortgage in full and I get nothing for the sacrifices made to get out of debt? I am not greedy, but this All Mortgages Paid in Full
does not make sense! Can you explain please!

im going to post two links that may, or may not help in all things related to topic.
certainly long reads but a necessary.
*maybe* one finds these answers related weather directly, or not (?)
from my understanding all assets seized are/is; weath returned to us, and with constitution returned/all to be as God ordained=richness in so many ways one may not think of that like naturally would right now. absorb these 👇🏼

California. Lightworker. Heaven on earth as God intended. ❤️🙏🇺🇸
We are ascending to the 5th Dimension Heaven on Earth as God intended. Under Gesara wealth from the elites will be returned to the people. When we are given resources under Gesara to be comfortable and never worry about housing food or healthcare, be happy and grateful for others who benefit as well. With 8 billion recipients on the planet and different currencies and standards of living...its not about what one neighbor was able to accomplish under cabal vs. the other. Focus on how much harmony we will have in the world when we ALL have a place to live, food to eat and medical care. 🙏

hahaha. im not greedy at all, much the opposite! we have donated to friends, military and two neighbors approximately $84,000 in last 10 years. I live to do Gods work. I take care of my neighbors. but my house is 225 years old! spent $ to pay off but needs lot work!! built on stone pillar with tree trunks for floor joist!! i love my location!! much of what occurs in next couple months will determine my housing for retirement years. If someone had actual Truth and Facts I could make decicions Everything I read is opinion or speculation. I was looking for Truth not more opinions