KGD Bassist
@KGDbassistNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
I Am

well put together. again. again. https://investors
America Shrugged : Spygate, DARPA, Big tech and the CIA ]D...
Da Kine 17: Spygate, DARPA, Big tech and the CIA ]DECLAS[ (updated 11.25.22) With YouTube embedded “As the saying goes, a fish rots from the head down....
will Wi all vote Ramthun as wrote in or straight dead topic? Muller as well? Wichmann? To access the supporting evidence for yourself, please follow this link:

Ramthun needs to be written in by all Wi Nov8. 😫😫😫

its been a long time since I was in here. I was glued to to other sources. Time to grt in here abd look here. Hope all these heads here are on straight still. communist infiltration and dangers all over. everyone ok?

oh, and this, for any that missed it
this link 👉🏼
and that link 👇🏼

WOW, truly enough in this link to keep people busy a long time.
I suggest getting it to every person possible.
true OR false would be the question once all was absorbed,
including ingrediants.
much time into it, why bypass.
grab it.
Dropbox - WHO WHAT HOW AND NO - Simplify your life
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
beautiful sights
these beasts being hauled one day and I could catch a clip being passenger
but later i was driving and phone buried in my bag while a dozen were driving on that HWY 23
exciting stuff.
oh where oh where were they going
ooooooh im on edge of seat for Wi to take center stage 😭
(hurry up ‘N wait)

well isnt that a surprise. busy busy little demon flies in human disguise. sharing all the lies showing off like something wise. isht this nice of them to help the world the way they do.
how can we thank them all within the cabaal.
what time is it, I bet you can hardly wait for this chip!? im seeing medical clips of ours critical where hospitals are REFUSING to help as pt will not accept covid swab or care.... we PRAY ours do not have any incidents to be in any hospital —- IN JESUS NAME, thanks alot demon rot.
Pentagon scientists invent a microchip which senses COVID-19 in your body before you show symptoms | Daily Mail Online
Scientists working inside the Pentagon have developed a microchip, contained in green gel (pictured) which is inserted below the skin and senses COVID-19 in the blood.
my best friends decided to go get their fukn shots
the department was thoughtful enough to send them out with several pages of reading material, including some ingrediants.
i cant believe they went for these.
has anyone shared any of the ingrediants yet?
i have not come across any shared.
anyhow heres what Wisconsins handing out.
go Wi

Humph. Hummmm IDK but I do know all should stop saying rabbit hole and switch to Demon hole ... (yes I fully understand where rabbithole comes from)
God damn demon shit is tireing.
That I do know. I also know trust none but God.
Ever have your eyes so hurt, trying to find that hair that must be in there, and finally figure out its the flamed red hair like veins in there that is hurting so bad all week long? (decade of too little sleep, stress, & reading too much. A different form of real torture)
Nothing is ever as seems. Truth. Thats all I have to say.

CERN. because it is a thing. Manu have heard that word. While its not new to many, not all have heard of "Cern."
The players are said to be part in demon shit like "harvesting...."
whats real whats not...
do I *KNOW?* Do you?
One thing Im certain of is God knows all.

one hell of a guy
Read for self.

Any Wisconsin crumbs out there? please do share here if so, and thank you 💝

A fucking SIGNATURE BOND and allowed to be with his children???
FUCKKKK YOUUUUUUUUU shit corrupt demon filth system. This pos needed community jail where those he has senrenced dwell.
We dont hear much of Wi nor the staggeringly corrupt judges, we dont hear much of the frauds of Wi either. Evers is NEVER mentioned in any drops, like Wi is last. Im really too angry to talk or comment often, so I simply do not.
When I did I was targeted costing THOUSANDS & dozens of lawyers either hung up on me in tryn to find help with the bogus shit, or out right said no. Im still home, found one, but THOUSANDS & reputation destroyed. I wait, & I watch. Judges here literally remove witnesses & DELETE evidance. They do what they want. (like this here.) I am dying to see *JUSTICE* 😡 I really could throw up.
Complaint: Wisconsin judge allegedly sent child pornography through messaging app
A Wisconsin judge has been formally charged with seven counts of possession of child pornography.
I am never going to stop laughing hahahahaha

Wal-Mart always had black/flat black/semi gloss white... now as of last week was same. They ran out. I needed a can for touch ups since the flat you can’t even have a curtain touch and it marks the shittttt so been looking for restock. Now I see they got them stocked and made a change and in a time like this where so many lost their minds? lol Wondering if white will pop up as white/honkey brown variations brown/Mexican brown/Asian cream/racialmix what in the fuk r they doing changing? lol omg
tan/polockindian (thats me)
wait for it.... lol its comin i can feel the beatings.
ps im no breed specific/racist anything i hate all stupid equal.
im out ..
happy green/saintPATTYSday