Anons are motivational superheroes. No orders, no command structure, no pay packet, no promotions, no medals, not even praise from your commanding officer. You have to be self-directed and self-motivated, willing to endure hardship from economic warfare, expect no personal recognition, and only care about the intrinsic value of truth and honour.
Anons are the best. I love anons.
So true. And I am always skeptical of those looking for fame and money through this movement. This is about fighting for freedom from the chains that have enslaved humanity for so long; not self-promotion and wealth. Certain people I followed in the beginning who seemed to be in this fight for the right reasons have turned me off due to their self-promotion and constant pursuit of fame and Not to mention the ego and arrogance that spews in everything they do. The plight becomes all about them and self; not the real fight. Thank you to all of the anons that put it all on the line to awaken the sleeping without regard for self and wealth. Thank you Martin are truly one of those real fighters.