Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.
Alex Collier - Oct 1994
MUST WATCH!!! BRILLIANT message relevant NOW to our planet's future.
He's been disclosing this information for 30+ years.
024:20 🔥 "We did this no less than 200 years ago. Many of the souls that were there then have incarnated again. And they're here. Jefferson is alive. Their soul. Franklin's alive. Kennedy's back. Bobby Kennedy's back. Martin Luther King. Andrew Jackson. Lincoln. They're all back in physical form. They've all incarnated. They're all here in the United States. Because right now, this is where the battle is. Between light and dark. You've got the greys over us. You've the reptilians underneath us. Between us, you've got humanity sandwiched in the middle wondering what the hell is going on." 🔥
Watch the whole interview. Absolutely worth it. 👇👇👇