The goal right now by the mockingbird media is to infiltrate the Q movement. It's to discredit, distract, and demoralize the very foundational truths of the movement. Don't give them any fuel. Be careful what you share and who you follow. Stick to the drops, and be patient. Nothing can stop what's coming.

Faith for good. God’s hands. Business owner Praying for the world
is there anything we should watch for in their profiles. catch words, phrases. usually i have found they reveal themselves rather quickly.
I don't know about catch words etc. But if you are watching, listening too, or following any one that you find is "making" you feel hopeless or in any way doubt that Trump, the White Hats, the Miltary or The Plan are not in control and that the DS will not be defeated I would suggest to stop following or listening to them.
If you feel yourself get wobbly stick with those that encourage, support and inspire you.

we are here to build each other UP and share
what we have been given.
where we go one we go all is not just a pretty slogan,
it is a fellowship of like minded soldiers in this new tech
war commited to each other where no one is left behind.
here we can freely speak what we believe and if we veer off
course our” FELLOWer” anon will steer us the right way.
counteless hours are spent on doing reseach before info is posted.
we value every post and share far and wide.
we speak the truth in love

Dont judge me, God will. I'm wide awake- are you? Question everything. WWG1WGA, Digital Soldier,MAGA4EVAH, #SAVETHECHILDREN. GOD WINS
good advice

8th Generation AMERICAN 🇺🇸PATRIOT, Navy Wife, Army Mom, Peds Nurse. GOD & JESUS🙏🌹Afghan Hounds! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
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