Discernment is critical.
When I was in 3rd grade the teacher thought it was ok to hit the children she called out "Spank / hit with a wooden paddle" and you could hear them cry out in the back. She called me out one day sent me to the back, I knew what was coming and looked her straight in the eyes and said calmly, "if you touch me I will report you to my MOTHER" ... who always took care of business.
Teacher was shocked (by her expression) and never touched me.
I still told my mother.
Children need to know parents will ALWAYS protect them!
Not all parents are good protectors.
Discernment is critical.
TRUE - my baby sitter, adopted my mother ...
(very necessary)
Find another that is kind and loving, be it a family or friend ... only keep people around who encourage a well being in yourself and others.