Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

The List • The Lost Books of The Bible • 500+ Books to Read

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Each Audiobook is one of the Lost Holy Books and there are over 380 Lost Holy Books to listen too.

Daniel 12:4
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻‍🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren

The Bible mentions other books but the God breathed 66 book canonized Bible that's purpose is to reveal our Savior to a fallen world is complete. These additional books from history are beneficial but not stolen from God's Word.

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

In response Daughter Of The King to her Publication

So you believe out of 777 Holy Books 66 Books are all you need to know Gods plan ?

777 Lost Holy Books of the Bible


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🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻‍🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren

I say this in love and with respect. Starting in Genesis the canonized, inspired word is too lead us to Jesus Christ and how live surrendered lives to him. That is the purpose of those 66 books. The fall, the law, the sacrifices, the prophets, the birth, the death, the future revelation were all written to point us to our Savior. The historical books are beneficial to understanding the times and further history regarding the fathers and the fallen. The God who created the the universe, who holds it all in place, who created the everything seen and unseen doesn't make mistakes. We slander Him by believing his Word was stolen and corrupted.

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

In response Daughter Of The King to her Publication

Your 100% wrong ,but, that is your choice. Do you think you will go to heaven when you die ? When God ask you did you seek his Wisdom given to his prophets your answer will be No. Your obviously a Protastant and the catholic Bible has 68-72 Books. So are you right or wrong ? You’ll find out on Judgement Day. Promise.

🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻‍🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren

“For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says, ‘The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.’ There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.””
‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭4:11-12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It's all about the saving blood of Jesus Christ

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

In response Daughter Of The King to her Publication

And you must be Baptised as a knowing Adult too. Christ was 28 years old when he was Baptised by John the Baptist. God Number is 777 or 7 and Satans number is 666 or 6 . You choose they path you follow ,but, their symbolism will be their undoing.

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝

There is so much controversary regarding salvation and baptism. Many preachers/churches have watered the process down. But if you read the scriptures you can clearly see the steps outlined. 1. Hearing the word, 2. Believing. 3. Repenting of our sins. 4. Confessing our faith in Christ. 5. Baptism - immersed in water - not being an infant, but having reached the age of accountability. 6. Remaining faithful in our daily walk.
Many scripturas state this. Not enough space to write it all out. But this link will clearly show the steps with some scriptures. We need to seek our own salvation and not rely on what man says. Upon judgement day we will be held accountable of what WE have done or not done, we cannot BLAME it on anyone else. Also those that have mislead so many will have their own extra punishment...again all of this is in the scriptures.

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response WyomingFree Girl to her Publication

then what do you do with Ephesians4:5 "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"and 1 Corinthians 12:13 "For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit."

Clearly He is talking about spirit baptism NOT water baptism. The thing to understand about the baptismal ceremony done by John & then later by the disciples, It was done because of the Jewish people being cleansed and prepared for their Messaiah. Then God chose Paul to go to the Gentiles & Paul even says he thanks God that he has only baptized a few. If water baptism were necessary for salvation then Paul was clearly not in the will of God & everything he wrote needs to be ignored. But we can't do that because Paul is the most prolific writer in the New Testament & pastors depend on Paul's writings. There is clearly a change of God's plan when He chose Paul to go to the Gentiles. It can't be dismissed.

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝

In response Gini Caradori to her Publication

Also I would like to add, Paul whom is one of my favorites. Where did he come from, who was he before? This to me clearly shows us that we all have the opportunity for salvation and to be a minister for Christ. But again, it is the entirety of the scriptures, not just segments. Also what is put on your heart when you read, do you ask for discernment for clarification for questions to be raised to look to references?

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response WyomingFree Girl to her Publication

The ONE constant with God is FAITH. Read Hebrews 11 and look at ALL the miracles of Jesus. It is FAITH in God alone that is counted as righteousness. The only thing that has changed is the OBJECT of that faith. Abraham believed God would give him a son and an inheritance BEFORE the law was given. It was counted to him as righteousness. Paul talks about this in Romans. Noah believed God when it had NEVER rained. Everyone Jesus healed had faith that He could heal them. Paul's message is all about faith. It isn't the action of being baptized that is key. It is the action of FAITH, believing what God has said is true and can be trusted above all else. The problem with too many people is they want to DO something to be saved. Jesus FINISHED the job. We only need to have faith in the finished work of Christ. If you want to be baptized, feel free. But it doesn't save you. It can't save you. Only Faith saves. That is all that has EVER been required by God.

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝

In response Gini Caradori to her Publication

Faith - yes! It is all about faith. But with faith we follow what was taught, what was asked of us. Jesus said he didn't come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. Jesus gave us the 2 greats commandments. So yes there are many insights, but again then why did the Ethiopian Eunuch say what do I need to do to be saved, and there is water and then Phillip was taken away. Baptism is dying to self, of the past and becoming a new life for Christ.

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response WyomingFree Girl to her Publication

Hang on there. JESUS fulfilled the law making it unnecessary for us to follow that law! PERIOD!! He gave the DISCIPLES two commands because he was preparing Israel for his reign as Messaiah. They rejected him! In fact the final rejection was at the stoning of Stephen. It was right after that we see the conversion of Paul. God chose Paul to give the message of GRACE. All of Paul's books he talks about putting the Law aside and the message of GRACE. Baptism was a Jewish ordinance. Phillip was still operating under the law, because he was still preparing the nation of Israel for their King. It was a transition between law and grace. God didn't shut down Peter and 11 because He brought Paul in for his purpose. That would have been weird. But they did not teach like Paul did. They still practiced the law. Little is known of them after Paul came on the scene. The church was hidden in God until it was revealed to Paul and he wrote several books stating such. Why don't we practice the law?

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝

In response Gini Caradori to her Publication

I thought that is what I said regarding the fulfillment. I am not going to pick apart and back and forth. I have stated what I believe and you have stated yours. I can give scriptures to back, but needs to be read in the entirety of what I am saying and you had given one stand alone in the beginning but then have stated man made thoughts without scriptural backing to your statements. I will discuss with anyone but it needs to be scriptural back for reference, not theories or feelings. I stand on the foundation of the Church which Christ built. Blessings to you.

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response WyomingFree Girl to her Publication

we are saying the same thing about context. I will never be baptized with water. It is not needful for salvation. It is not a sign of my submission it is a sign for the Nation of Israel. It is part of the Law. Jesus fulfilled the law. Baptism is not necessary for salvation. FAITH and FAITH ALONE saves you. That has ALWAYS been the case. The ceremony of baptism was fulfillment of the law. Any Jewish rabbi will tell you that. That's a fact that can't be changed, no matter how many times you show me the same verses of scripture. You can't explain why Paul says ONE BAPTISM when clearly he also talks about SPIRIT Baptism and states that he only water baptized a few. In context it is clear that Paul is saying baptism is NOT necessary. Trust me, I'm 60 years old and have studied these scriptures for 40+ years

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝

In response Gini Caradori to her Publication

Please provide scriptures to back baptism is under the law. What did those back under the law do for atonement for sin? How can this be 2 different parallels of what you are speaking.

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response WyomingFree Girl to her Publication

the book of Leviticus is FILLED with baptism! Baptism is washing, purifying for use. When someone died if they fell and touched a pot, the pot had to be purified. Women after their period were considered unclean. Men were not allowed physical contact with them until after they had gone through ritual purifying every month. It isn't atonement for sin, but a cleansing so that the person would be able to offer their sacrifice for sin. Leviticus is full of ceremonial washings. Priests had to go through ceremonial washing. In fact that was the purpose of Jesus' baptism. He is our high priest. He HAD to be baptized in order to be able to offer himself as our sacrifice. It was all ceremonial and a sign for the nation of Israel. Remember John wanted Jesus to baptize him, but Jesus said it was needful. Not because Jesus was unclean, but because He had to fulfill the entire law! Archeology supports baptism at every holy site in Israel during the first century and before.

Only people mentioned by @WyomingFreeGIrl in this post can reply

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response WyomingFree Girl to her Publication

I'm asking you to read Leviticus. The context is the LAW in Leviticus. You just don't want to read it. Are you afraid that I'm right.

How about this verse. Context is John & James wanting to sit at Jesus right and left in Heaven. Jesus foretold his suffering and he used the word BAPTISM to describe his death. WHY?

Mark 10:38 But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”

This isn't water baptism clearly. This is death he is talking about. Baptism just means an immersion and Jesus was going to be immersed into death to conquer it on our behalf. Does this mean we should all desire crucifixion? By your thinking that is how we should identify with Christ. It makes no sense. You want context but you don't want to read Leviticus. The context of baptism in the new testament correlates DIRECTLY to the OLD testament. Any biblical scholar knows this.

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝

In response Gini Caradori to her Publication

The act described in these Old Testament passages and Leviticus was not specifically called “baptism,” it does highlight how important and holy ceremonial (and practical) cleansing is to God. John’s “baptism of repentance” (Luke 3:3; Acts 19:4) followed this paradigm of cleansing, although the final cleansing from sin is only available through Christ, and John’s baptism was the foreshadowing of that. The significance of baptism as a New Testament ceremony is that, as believers in Jesus Christ, we are baptized into His death (Romans 6:3) and raised to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4 KJV). The Lord taught the significance of baptism to the extent that He Himself was baptized by John the Baptist at the start of His ministry (Mark 1:9).

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝

In response Gini Caradori to her Publication

Also please do not assume I chose not to read and nor am I afraid you are right. You are pushing your narrative without true scriptural reference in the entire context. How the OT is the bridge to the NT is what is important but most importantly we are under a new covenant with Christ which is based in the NT.

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