Oera Linda | Fyodor Dostoevsky | Lao Tse | Mehran Keshe | Q
Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹
Really loved this, he is absolutely right. The vaccines are destroying the God Gene, evil will try anything to destroy God and make sure you cannot attain ascension. This is my opinion anyways. https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/vmat2-gene-the-god-gene-and-neurotransmitters/
VMAT2 gene: The God Gene and Neurotransmitters - Genetic Lifehacks
An examination on the current research for the 'God gene', explaining what it does and its importance in Parkinson's disease.
https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/vmat2-gene-the-god-gene-and-neurotransmitters/I watched a video of Gates talking about how he found the God Gene THAT IS WHY I WILL NEVER TAKE ANYTHING HE IS INVOLVED IN