Child of God, mother of two, retired R.N. Proud to be an American! God bless the USA!
Hod bless our truckers! BTW... there ARE doctors who walked out, lost their right to practise and are aiding people for free! Many have tried very hard to speak up and were censored! Bless them as well!!
Child of God, mother of two, retired R.N. Proud to be an American! God bless the USA!
What? No edit button? above should say God bless our truckers
US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
These truckers are hard working people who want to live in a free nation with respect to all citizens. NO MANDATES and NO MORE RESTRICTIONS. Doctors are padding their own pockets providing misinformation to their patients and encouraging people to take a poisonous toxic unproven injection that is likely to alter their lives going forward IF IT DOES NOT KILL THEM OUTRIGHT. No amount of money is worth someone's life and well being.
#PatriotFreedomLover #FollowerofJesus #FollowerOfTruth #SaluteToOurMilitary #GodWins
LITERALLY, these doctors (SOME) have BOWED DOWN and SOLD THEIR SOULS to their GROUP's PROTOCOL.... PATHETIC..... Some doctors (NOT ALL) are total WHIMPS, and literally, TERRORISTS IN DISGUISE... My hope is THAT WE CAN ALL STAY AWAY from ANYTHING to do with them.... they are an ARM OF THE EVIL that is perpetrated globally.....
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Break free of the illusion. We are Light! 🌟 Time to soar! 🎶❤💫 Pro: men & women with souls. Unity & peace among us.