I never trusted people to begin with, but the last two years has destroyed every last speck of trust people had for anyone in our government, or so-called independent institutions. Even those asleep no longer trust the FBI, CDC, FDA, or our own family doctors. We have literally been abandoned, and deceived by everyone. The bad news is we're all alone. The good news is we have the slimmest chance to get our hands dirty, and start eliminating the threats. If we do not do this, we will absolutely lose everything, and we will have failed to uphold our last and only commandment which is to protect our children, and their futures. We are about to fail on a scale that cannot be forgiven. Placing your hopes in mid-terms, or DJT running in 2024, or the SCOTUS, or the latest discovery of voter fraud will accomplish nothing. We are OUT OF TIME!

Make a list. Just your area. Elites don't expect to pay for their crimes. They will.