Because of Trump I learned about the Federal Bureaucracy.
I learned about how Congress works
I learned about tariffs
I learned about Impeachment
I learned about the State and Federal Judiciary
I learned about the FB, CIA NSA DoD
I learned about Elections and Election Fraud
I learned about illegal immigration drug trafficking human trafficking child sex trafficking and the rampant pedophilia in Hollywood
I learned how DC screws us over in both political parties
I learned how corrupt Media is
I’ve learned about Wall Street
I know more about the system than I ever thought I would

Amen. Me as well!!! Feels great to be AWAKE!!!!

200% my friend

when I was broken and cried out to God, He answered. Knock and the door shall be opened. Seek and ye shall find. His grace, Love & peace.
I join you and say many, many of us have. It hasn't been easy, in fact there are times I was physically sick, I thank God every day for my faith in Him. I don't believe I would of made it these last 5 yrs with out his leading, and comfort. I hope I can see it all the way threw. Thank God for all who have fought the physical battle, and the Spiritual batt

Great to be out of the Matrix Kerry !!!!

I am just looking for the truth, searching for the light in the midst of darkness #savethechildrenfirst #lightworker #absolutefaith
Same, learned about it all from an outsider, so thankful for the redpill - Bless our TRUMP!

Hated politics and government until President Trump
Love him so .. I became a patriot because of his direction..

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
mission successful

Part of the plan. Teaching you the system, the constitution and your Human rights. Now you know why he is a real leader. He makes people better!

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
So very true! I have learned so much and enjoyed researching certain things especially things that pertained to covid.( Since I am an RN). President Trump is very adept at shining the light on things. In fact I think that will be his greatest accomplishment as POTUS. EXPOSING the evil and those involved.#GodBlessPresidentTrump💖

For younger generations, I use to get hand written (photocopies) of Ron Pauls' news letters starting in 1991....
YES, he was begging to have FED audit done 30 years ago, He highlighted corruption of Federal Reserve!!

im old! ive watched this for 30-40 years, Trump showed up, brought Q with him... i knew hope and prosperity was here
and I've praised the movement for providing inoformation in engaging younger people! Truth is pricless!!

Christian, Pro Life, freedom lover. Trump 2020. He Won!
73 here. I remember questioning the Kennedy assasination. Nothing seemed right. I was only in high School, but couldn't believe a man got into the police dept and shot the suspect and everyone accepted it!
Now we know. How much power do alphabet agencies have. I think we have been finding out😵🙏🙏🙏

"Family Is Everything" We are 1 Family PURE BLOOD FREE THINKER WWG1WGA Pro2A Conservative ULTRAMAGA KAG SiVisPachemParaBellum GOD BLESS ✝️

Human, fluoride free, unvax'd since 93, homeschooled g6+, 80%unimployed(20yrs), internet searcher (fitness, health, truth, interestings)
Welcome to the resistance.

Christian, Pro Life, freedom lover. Trump 2020. He Won!
Thank you for putting how I feel into words. I have learned so much my head hurts. I have learned so much, I feel I must keep learning. I have friends who choose not to learn. They believe b is president, don't believe me about the children, the tunnels, the vatican, the servers. It can be difficult to talk with them. Sheep are easily kept in a herd, but to single one out can be tricky. I have learned I can wait, and be here for them when they need me, and they will need me, or someone.
And I pray🙏🙏

🙏Your welcome ... they will wake up just taking a little more time !! We only have weeks now to go - just be there to talk them through it !! The world is so divided right now but soon we will be reuinted !!🙏

A patriot who stands for freedom! 27 year military wife. Stand strong Patriots!
i agree, only been waking up for about a year. unlearning what i was taught and studying. Lost, at least for now, family & friends. The roller coaster of anger, sadness, frustration, calm ( rinse repeat) can be exhausting. I am returning to who i was when i was young. At this time, as others are still in " their fog", the attacks get personal. They all feel that something is different but cant place it. The calmer we are, the more we accentuate their souls unrest. It is more important to make sure everything us in place to accomplish the complete awakening than for it to be easy.

So True Moira - The calmest uprising ever, we are taking down the cabal so peacefully and they couldnt do anything because we had Trump & God on our side - They will wake, our souls wake at different times. Looking back 18 months ago i had no faith but now i thank god everyday for saving us - but also we are saving ourselves !! Stay Strong we got this🌹


Ich weiss nicht wer ich bin, Deutscher geboren in Polen oder Pole geboren in Deutschland.
Me too.

you forgot the most important of all
we all evolve into better human beings , ready to love and unite for the same goal of freedom and love ...
we all learn how to detach from material means and get out slavery in thoguth and every other from
we learned how to appreciate life and all leaving creature ...

🇨🇦 patriot. I ❤️ President Trump & all he stands for: Freedom Truth Love Peace #WWG1WGA #GESARA, #5D IFBAP Not a dating app! Will block!
So very true!