Everything is Connected. Be the light. Be the change.
58 and I have put in 40 hour weeks since October 2020 online learning and sharing truth of what we are up against. earned me 3 Twitter executions & numerous slaps on the wrist, 4 FB 30 day solitary confinements along with slew of misdemeanors. i originally shared my everyday gleanings with maybe 7 people and those changed according to the ones who forbade any further communication involving Covid, politics or God...(of which my daughter was one), and its currently 4 of which maybe 3 are part of the original group. i watch bits of mechanical or farming shows if my husband turns them on, but I can not watch dramas. i tried and didnt make it to the first commercial. all i see is programing. lies and propagation of lies to maintain the sleep walking hordes of humanity. tv disgust me. dont know if ill ever trust the lying bastards again.
Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
i'm the "never be a grandma now" in Georgia.