This amazing 11-min-vid from a ‘Military insider’
verifies everything Gene Decode has been talking about
— for YEARS. A must see.

🇺🇸 9-20 Gene Decode
“The Alliance have literally taken EVERYTHING
every possible play.
In Chess it's called Zugzwang.
No matter what the enemy does—he’s done.
The majority of the war is done.
All the upper handlers have been removed..
Realize NESARA is getting Tesla Free Energy
& Anti-Gravity tech
& you've just made
the entire infrastructure of the world go away.”

😼 When the deep state demons used Looking Glass
to look into their future
they SAW their demise was INEVITABLE.
They also SAW that a Kennedy
played a major role in their fate
so they set about killing Kennedy’s.
Joe Sr.'s children: Joe Jr., Kit, JFK & RFK,
& they tried to kill Ted & Jr.
but they failed to do so.
🌞 Here Comes The Son 💪💞


Only people mentioned by @KatistheSea3 in this post can reply

Business owner, former building mgr &missionary CT S.Africa, dv survivor #SaveTheChildren #PurgedWithTrump🦅🇺🇸🙏

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication


In response Lisa Smith to her Publication

Yes!!! 💪😼💥🇺🇸🕊🌟🌺🎉

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

The#EndOfTheirWorld is#NECESSARY
it's 'their corrupt perv' world system that's ending!!
That's a#GoodThing!
Dump the Trash and#TrashMakers and Start w/ a Clean Slate

In response Free Bird to her Publication

Right on, Free Bird!! 🙏🕊️💞🇺🇸💥


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Jesus is my Savior 🙏🏼 Trump is my President 🇺🇸#Fix2020orBust💥 #SaveAmerica🇺🇸#Savethechildren❤️

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

fiction is non fiction
non fiction is fiction
upside world is forever changing
what an incredible time to be alive
God has chosen us to be here at this moment
keep the faith🙏🏼
trust humanity ❤️
God Wins💥

In response Diana DJT to her Publication

And so it is, Diana!! 🙏💞🇺🇸🌟🕊️💐


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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Where is the actual evidence for any of this?

In response FightingIrishman to his Publication

Perhaps you're just beginning your journey.
If so, you need to know what Project Looking Glass is.
It is off-world Technology
that has been used by both
the White Hats & the deep state demons
to peer into the future.
When they did
they both saw that
The Great Awakening
is a done deal 🙏🇺🇸💥

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Ted was no prize.

In response Pam Truth to his Publication

We actually don't know that.
We don't know WHAT is TRUTH regarding ANYTHING.
Hold off deciding what you think about ANYBODY
before the FULL TRUTH is revealed.
I'm continually shocked when someone I think
is a woman turns out to be a man!!
WE know Biden is an actor, but many still don't.
The truth about the Kennedy family
is steeped in myth & MSM deep state demon lies 🙏💞🕊️

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Seeker of Truth | Dark-to-Light | WWG1WGA

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I remember watching this interview on Project Camelot when it first came out back in 2011.

I've been 'crazy' a long time now.

In response John Q.. to his Publication

Interesting he says( seven moves left )
182 ak-at-as'-tat-os; from G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G2525; inconstant:—unstable. akataschetos, signifying "that cannot be restrained"

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️

In response John Q.. to his Publication

I've been 'weird' and 'crazy' going on 60 years now!

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Yes Kat, I've watched most of all I could find on Bill Woods / Project Camelot ... and it makes total sense. Esp when BW started remembering and talking out and the CiA did all they could to destroy him - a very tell-tale sign that what he spoke the truth.

Our options? Stay clean (no vax) prepare to shelter as best as possible. Keep your mind sharp / exercise / learn skills and network esp in your community.


🌸 Well said, Generica.
The Military guys — Gene, Juan, Jaco, etc.
have known this FOR YEARS.
And of course, Q Team for decades.
The ultimate outcome is a done deal.
Humanity awakens.
The demons are done for.
God Wins.

I wanted to post this video, along with many other posters,
so everyone who can will watch it
& feel COMFORTED!!!
🕊️ God Truly Wins.
Humanity AWAKENS = demons are done 🙏💪

The vaccine was their final psyop
& those of us who have not complied
are warriors, baby!! 😼💪💞💥

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US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

So, we are all in a HOLDING PATTERN waiting for permission to resume our lives in a new reality? Do I have this right?

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana

In response Brandy Molina to her Publication

IOW - once you take the red pill you can never go back into the evil matrix. And why in God's name would you want to?

In response Brandy Molina to her Publication

The way I understand it:

The game has been won by the White Hats.
but there are a few moves left on the Chess board.
There is a real Global Military Op going on.
There is also a movie happening with
clones, body-doubles, actors, etc.


The reason WHY demons strive to keep Humanity in FEAR
is because we are powerful CREATORS
made in the image of our Father/Source/God.
We are Divine Beings of God-Light
tricked into thinking we are weaklings & slaves.
The demons have focused our minds
with MK Ultra spells & games to create THEIR world.

Once we AWAKEN to the TRUTH, as we all are now
we will REJECT EVERYTHING about them
& ascend back to Divine Realms from whence we came
Humanity AWAKE = DEATH to demons & their prison.

It's a done deal.

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Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Anti gravity tech 🤔
I always wanted one of these 😁😎

In response Here KittyKitty to her Publication

It already exists!
ALL the tech we’ve seen in movies
or cartoons exists.
The demons were revealing it
as “story” tricking us into thinking
it was only fantasy
but now we know
it was all documentary.
What a miraculous amazing world
awaits us!!
Healing, abundance, traveling light years
in minutes, other galaxies,
no more death/rebirth...
Wonders 😹💕🌈🙏🔆☮️🎉🌺🕊

In response Here KittyKitty to her Publication

somebody in the past had some sort of recollection

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