Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Whether the earth is flat or not doesn’t solve shit.
It doesn’t make people not evil.
It doesn’t keep people from sacrificing and abusing children.
It doesn’t help us win anything.
If anything, it divides and conquers and people end up arguing about pointless shit.
Let’s take 3 steps forward and zero steps back instead of 1 step forward and two steps back.
Flat earth arguments are for weak minds, given the current situation on planet earth.
Doq, I vehemently disagree with you and you need to know why.
The true cosmology of our environment reveals our Creator and any lies about it deny Him.
Furthermore, the globe earth lie is a precedent from upon which many more lies come.
For instance, no other planets besides earth means no extraterrestrials besides spiritual/celestial beings.
No one who truly believes in the one true Creation would ever accept ET's as fact and thus would rightfully be on guard against malignant, malicious spiritual beings that would hurt children.
Project Bluebeam would be identified immediately by a "flat earther" as a scam.
while children held captive in dumbs by demonic forces would be understood.
Albeit, i concede it is not the hot-button priority and we're on a schedule so to speak