"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
Puts the human brain into the 'alpha' state
The same state used in hypnosis
The same state as repetitive chanting/mantra/drumming ie "shaminism" including both Tibetan and Roman Catholic repetitive 'bead' prayers
The same state as all "New Age" 'mindlessness'-goaled meditation techniques
The same state as meditation on visual trance inducing techiniques ie, 'mandalas' etc
Same state as repetitive bass/drum heavy ROCK AND ROLL ... helloooooo!! No matter WHAT the lyrics are
The alpha state is an open channel to the demonic realm of the fallen angels who can present as 'friend' 'relative' 'ancestor' 'light being' 'spirit guide' on and on
There is no such thing as good 'magic'.
ALL 'spiritualism' is corrupt
Jesus Christ is THE way, THE truth, and THE life
The Holy Spirit of God is the ONLY 'spirit' safe to be guided and taught by.
The Holy Spirit of God will NEVER contradict ANY Biblical teaching.
Study the BIBLE.
Know the TRUE so you can recogniz

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
[that's weird ... I was under 1000?]
Know the TRUE ... so you can recognize the COUNTERFEIT

AND now they are giant nanny cams.